Physical diagnosis is an important part of training in diagnosis clinical skills. 检体诊断是诊断学临床技能培养的一项重要内容。
A thorough history and a careful physical examination are important in the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders. 周详的病史和仔细的体检对于诊断和治疗吞咽障碍十分重要。
Physical diagnosis, in medicine, in landscape, is the art of culling the significant from a welter of irrelevant detail. 不论是在医药方面或是风景方面,物理诊断都是将重要细项从不相关的细节中筛选出来的一种艺术。
The instrument can be used in the physical examination, diagnosis, research and so on. 本仪器可以广泛应用于口腔临床检查、诊断和研究。
Other cancer studies have shown that physical activity after diagnosis can aid recovery and improve chances of survival. 体育运动可以帮助其他癌症学习诊断恢复和改善继续生存的机会。
Here is an instance where a careful, discerning, and accurate physical examination often yields the diagnosis. 例如仔细的,有分辨力的精确的体检常可作出诊断。
Objective To analyze the common problems of physical diagnosis course report and to find the countermeasures. 目的分析医学生物理诊断学见习报告中的常见问题并提出对策,为学生成长为一名医务人员打好基础。
Study on The Features of Meteorological Elements and Physical Diagnosis During Period of Flash-Flood-Producing Rainstorm in Guangxi 广西致洪暴雨过程的要素场演变特征及物理量诊断分析
Objective: To evaluate the value of CT and physical palpation in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma. 目的:评价CT和临床触诊对甲状腺恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。
By employing the actual observations of upper air and surface, NCEP reanalysis data and FY-2C satellite cloud image, by using the methods of mesoscale Barnes filtering and physical diagnosis, 'MATSA' is analyzed. 利用地面和高空的实况观测资料、NCEP再分析资料以及FY-2C卫星云图资料,并通过中尺度Barnes滤波和物理量诊断分析,对麦莎台风变性过程进行了研究。
Damage diagnosis analysis is performed for continuous beam based on the estimation of residual force vector after the structure id damaged. Also the effect of structural physical factors to diagnosis results is considered based on sensitivity analysis. 基于结构损伤后残余力向量的计算,对连续梁进行损伤诊断研究,并根据灵敏度分析来考虑结构物理参数误差对诊断结果的影响。
The preparation and application of multiple-media teaching software in physical diagnosis 检体诊断多媒体教学软件的研制与应用
Results This software received good comment from teachers and students when it was used in the teaching and practice of physical diagnosis in 6 classes. 结果该软件在6个期班的课堂检体诊断授课和物理诊断见、实习辅导应用中,受到师生的好评。
The method which has definite physical meaning, can change fault diagnosis model to adapt to the variability and uncertainty of the plant by learning the fault diagnosis err. 该方法物理意义明确,可以通过对故障诊断误差的学习,实时修正故障模型,实现对不确定性和慢时变性对象的鲁棒故障诊断。
Physical Therapy and Clinical Diagnosis about illness of Horizontal Sacral Vertebrae 水平骶椎病的临床诊断与体育疗法
Teaching experience of physical diagnosis 浅谈物理诊断学的教学体会
To the problem, this paper discusses method of tunnel hazard diagnosis and forecast, analyzes main tunnel hazard and its physical property and the significance of diagnosis and forecast, and also briefly analyzes the usability of some kinds of seismic wave methods. 为此,本文就利用地震波法进行隧道病害的诊断与预测,从隧道的主要病害、诊断预测的意义、物性基础和几种地震波法的可用性进行了简析。
Effect of medical practice on physical diagnosis teaching of clinical medicine for eight-year program students 实践对八年制临床医学生物理诊断教学的影响
Conclusion A complete diagnosis of the foreign body injury should contain etiological factor, history, physical examination and screenage diagnosis. 结论颌面深部异物存留的诊断应涵盖病因、病史、体检、及影像学诊断内容。
Physical diagnosis of Characteristics of Transient Pulse Nuclear Radiations 瞬态脉冲辐射特性物理诊断
Research on teaching of physical diagnosis practice through combing the characteristics of eight-year system medical students 结合八年制医学生特点进行物理诊断学实习教学初探
The common problems in the practice report of physical diagnosis course and the countermeasures 医学生物理诊断学见习报告中常见问题分析与对策
Physical and Chemical Properties and Diagnosis of Turf Soils in Golf Courses 高尔夫球场土壤理化性状测试与诊断
Objective To explore the preparation and application of multiple-media teaching software in physical diagnosis and improve the teaching effect. 目的探讨检体诊断多媒体教学软件的制作及应用,提高教学效果。
The content of questionnaire contained 6 aspects: general condition, history of present illness, history of past illness, physical check-up, radiographs and disease diagnosis, totally 94 questions and 141 variation indexes. 问卷调查内容包括6个方面:包括一般情况、现病史、既往史、体格检查、X射线片检查情况及疾病诊断情况,共计94个问题141个变量指标。
Volleyball special physical fitness diagnosis includes situation diagnosis and difference diagnosis. Situation diagnosis includes total situation diagnosis and individual situation diagnosis. 排球运动员专项体能的诊断包括态势诊断和差距诊断,其中态势诊断又包括总体态势诊断与个体态势诊断。
In terms of clinical thinking, advocate disease prevention, emphasizing the prevention is more important than cure. To adjust the physical conditioning, pay attention to diagnosis and treatment of menstruation in adolescence as a preventive measure. 在临证思维方面,倡导未病先防,强调防重于治;以健康教育、改变患者生活方式、调理体质及重视青春期月经不调的诊治为预防措施。
And a tendency to light physical fitness, basketball training "skills" lack of theoretical study of the special physical training of high level basketball players in China is relatively weak in terms of special physical training methods, means, diagnosis, evaluation. 而且,篮球训练中存在的重技能轻体能的倾向使我国高水平篮球运动员专项体能训练的理论研究不足,在专项体能训练的方法、手段、诊断、评价方面都显得比较薄弱。
Foundation examination and control step based on PLC undertake the process logical control of I/ O points, collection of physical quantities and failure diagnosis. 以PLC为核心的基础检测与控制级承担I/O点的过程逻辑控制、物理量采集以及故障诊断。
In the ICF high-speed physical-diagnosis experiment, the joint debugging experiments can be triggered synchronously by the synchronous system, and the entire physical diagnosis system can be high-efficiency and proper. ICF高速物理诊断实验中,为保证整个诊断系统能够准确、高效的工作,需要用同步系统对多台联调设备进行同步触发。